Hey all, Tim here. It’s been a busy world for me and my wife here lately, apologizes for not being able to post recently.
I found an article, though that I thought was very interesting. It’s not exactly a new article (it was published about a year ago), but nevertheless it’s quite informative and still applicable today. It’s about three professors at the University of the District Columbia in Washington, D.C. They were caught with PhDs from diploma mills.
What is a Diploma Mill?
A Diploma Mill is an unaccredited institution that makes it very easy and relatively affordable for individuals to “earn” fake degrees. Most accredited and legitimate PhD degree candidates spend years and years of their lives and an average of $40,000 studying and attending class for their degree. It’s difficult to get in, and takes application essays, letters of recommendation, and standardized tests to be admitted. A diploma mill, on the other hand, requires none of the above – simply write one paper, pay your $3,450, and here’s your PhD.
The diploma mill business hands out an estimated 200,000 phony degrees a year. A further investigation found professors with diploma mill degrees across the country at all levels. A 2004 report conducted by the Government Accountability Office revealed hundreds of government workers with fake degrees.
How do Diploma Mills relate to content on this blog?
The websites reviewed on this blog are 100% not diploma mills. Rather, every one of them is a printing company that prints replacement diplomas for individuals who lost, damaged, or whatever happened to their original. Customers should not use this document for employment, further education, or any other legal activity. Rather, many of these degrees are used for novelty purposes, strictly for personal use.
To sum up, there are some really shady diploma mills out there. Do I review any diploma mills on this blog? Do I think they are a good idea? Would I want any of my readers associating with one? No. Stick to the legitimate diploma replacement websites I review here, use your replacement documents for personal use, and you’re good to go.