DiplomaCompany.com FBI or PhonyDiploma FBI
A popular search in Google. Is there any truth to this or is it a bunch of nonsense put out by competitors of sites to scare customers? Let’s discuss.
A popular search in Google. Is there any truth to this or is it a bunch of nonsense put out by competitors of sites to scare customers? Let’s discuss.
Diploma Company has created a new UK fake diploma website which is an off-shoot of their store for UK customers at uk.diplomacompany.com. The site allows you to purchase fake diplomas, degrees and certificates from top UK colleges and universities across England, to Scotland, to Ireland. The site has all products in British Pounds to make … Read more
Today I’m doing a quick fakediploma.co.uk review. I hope it helps our readers choose the best fake diploma! QUALITY OF WEBSITE At first review, this website seems pretty legit. They make it clear that you’re not breaking any laws, which is good to hear because I’m just beginning to start researching this whole topic. For … Read more
Recently we have been getting some questions about sites that sell fake high school diplomas. Our entire review process consisted of purchasing fake college diplomas from eight different sites. Initially, it was our purpose to find out which sites created the closest match to our original college diploma and which companies gave us the best … Read more